Flipped Assignment #1 Introduction
Flipped assignment #1
September 2021
ENTRANCE TICKET: Flipped Assignment #1 NAME: _________________________________________________________
“Instead of sitting and listening students can spend class time applying knowledge in ____ _________ ____ and teachers are free to spend their time working with students and giving them individual ______ and _________.”
MY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Flipped Assignment #2
1.Who did President Jefferson purchase the Louisiana Territory from?
2. The Louisiana Territory _________________ the size of the United States.
3.Jefferson wanted to discover the ________________ __________?
4.The exploration group was called the Corps of Discover. It had 3 main goals:
a.Discover the Northwest Passage, an all water connection from the ___________ Ocean to the _____________ Ocean.
b.Document the _______________, ___________ and __________ life along the way.
c.Meet the ____________ ________________ tribes and extend friendship of the US
5.When they ran out of navigable rivers, the men tried to purchase ________ from Native Americans to reach the
Oregon Coast.
6.Which goal do the men NOT complete? ___________________________________
7.How long did the journey take?________________________________________
Thomas Paine’s Common Sense Explained “The Book of Duh!”
Flipped Assignment #3: Thomas Paine’s Pamphlet “Common Sense” lays out seven basic arguments why the Colonies should be independent. While you watch “Hip Hughes” pay attention to what he has to say. I have answered #2 so you get the idea.
1. The first argument concerns itself with the fact that an ___________ is trying to rule a _____________.
2. Over time, the Colonies have lost their _(British)_ identity and are now, because of the arrival of many different nationalities, are now (Americans)_.
3. What kind of mother is the “Mother Country” being towards the colonies? _________________
4. What was the major concern of the American Colonies regarding British foreign policy?
5. Can you come up with an analogy that clearly describes the problem addressed in question 4?
6. Why is there an argument of distance? _______________________________________-
7. The sixth argument considers __________________ because the colonists, in many cases, left to get away from the ________________________ foundation.
8. In the final argument, Paine says that Great Britain will not rule the Colonies in the ____________ ______________ of the colonies.
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